// Global variables var canvas_element; var canvas; var canvas_width, canvas_height; var balls = []; var level; var interval_id; var clicked = false; var progress = 0; var token = generateToken(32); var clickedx = 0; var clickedy = 0; var instant = 0; $(document).ready(function(){ if (!document.createElement("canvas").getContext) { jAlert("Sorry, you can't play this game because your browser doesn't support HTML5's canvas feature."); }else { // Get a canvas and a drawing context canvas_element = document.getElementById("world"); canvas = canvas_element.getContext("2d"); // Initialize with the width and height of the canvas canvas_width = canvas_element.width; canvas_height = canvas_element.height; // Click handler for #instructions $('#instructions').click(showInstructions); // Click handler for instructions' close button $('#closeinstructions').click(closeInstructions); // Click handler for the canvas $('#world').click(clickedCanvas); // Set Interval for leaderboard refresh leaderboard(); setInterval("leaderboard()", 20000); // Start game startGame(); } }); function generateToken(size){ var chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; var randomstring = ''; for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { var rnum = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length); randomstring += chars.substring(rnum,rnum+1); } return randomstring; } function showInstructions(){ $('#bgoverlay').fadeIn(100, function(){ $('#instructionsdiv').fadeIn(100); }); } function closeInstructions(){ $('#instructionsdiv').fadeOut(100, function(){ $('#bgoverlay').fadeOut(100); }); } function clickedCanvas(e){ if(!clicked){ // Get the actual x and y of the canvas position var x; var y; if (e.pageX || e.pageY) { x = e.pageX; y = e.pageY; } else { x = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft; y = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop; } x -= canvas_element.offsetLeft; y -= canvas_element.offsetTop; clickedx = x; clickedy = y; // Calculate which ball was clicked, if any for(var i in balls){ var cx = balls[i].x; var cy = balls[i].y; if(Math.pow(x - cx, 2) + Math.pow(y - cy, 2) < Math.pow(balls[i].radius, 2)){ // If this was the ball clicked, set to explode balls[i].exploding = true; clicked = true; return; } } } } function leaderboard(){ $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "api/leaderboard.php", data: "", success: function(msg){ var data = jQuery.parseJSON(msg); var content = "


"; if(data.error != null){ content = content + "

" + data.error + "

"; }else{ content = content + "
    "; for(var i in data){ if(data[i].user.charAt(0) == "@") content = content + "
  1. " + data[i].user + " - Level " + data[i].level + " (" + data[i].score + "%)
  2. \n"; else content = content + "
  3. " + data[i].user + " - Level " + data[i].level + " (" + data[i].score + "%)
  4. \n"; } content = content + "
"; } $('#leaderboard').html(content); }, error: function(req, msg){ $('#leaderboard').html("


Unable to retrieve the leaderboard at this moment.

"); } }); } function setInitialLevel(){ /* // Easter egg (http://.../?level=X) var vars = getUrlVars(); if(vars['level'] != undefined){ // If there's a 'level' argument... var nr = parseInt(vars['level']); // ... check if it's a number if(isNaN(nr)) // if not, go to first level level_nr = 1; else{ // if it's a valid level if(nr <= levels.length && nr > 0) level_nr = nr; else // go to first level level_nr = 1; } }else level_nr = 1; */ return 1; } /* function getUrlVars(){ var vars = [], hash; // Get URL variables by spliting text after '?' and between '&' var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&'); for(var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++){ hash = hashes[i].split('='); vars.push(hash[0]); vars[hash[0]] = hash[1]; } return vars; } */ function startGame(){ level_nr = setInitialLevel(); startLevel(level_nr); } function startLevel(level_nr){ // Reset level progress = 0; clicked = false; // Prepare and load new level loadLevel(level_nr); $('#levelval').html(level_nr); } function loadLevel(level_nr){ msgCanvas("Loading level..."); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "api/getlevel.php", data: "level=" + level_nr, success: prepareLevel, error: function(req, msg){ //console.log(msg); msgCanvas("Could not load level. Please, refresh the browser."); } }); } function msgCanvas(msg){ $("canvas").drawText({ fillStyle: "#ddd", strokeStyle: "#555", strokeWidth: 5, x: 10, y: 15, text: msg, align: "left", baseline: "middle", font: "normal 12pt Verdana, sans-serif" }); } function prepareLevel(msg){ // If there's an animation going on, stop it clearInterval(interval_id); // Reset the timer instant = 0; try{ var data = jQuery.parseJSON(msg); if(data.error != null){ jAlert("Could not load level. Click OK to try again.", "ERROR", function(){ startLevel(parseInt($('#levelval').html())); }); }else{ level = null; level = new levelinfo(data.level.info.balls, data.level.info.goal, data.level.info.radius, data.level.info.interval, data.level.info.alpha, data.level.info.arate, data.level.info.rrate); balls = []; for(var i in data.level.balls){ // Randomly determine circle's color var color_r = Math.round(Math.random() * (256-128) + 128); var color_g = Math.round(Math.random() * (256-128) + 128); var color_b = Math.round(Math.random() * (256-128) + 128); balls.push(new ball(data.level.balls[i].x, data.level.balls[i].y, data.level.balls[i].dx, data.level.balls[i].dy, color_r, color_g, color_b, level.ball_radius, level.alpha)); } // Set a timer to fire the "gameLoop" method every INTERVAL milliseconds interval_id = setInterval("gameLoop()", level.interval); } }catch(exc){ jAlert("Could not load level. Click OK to try again.", "ERROR", function(){ startLevel(parseInt($('#levelval').html())); }); } } function gameLoop() { // Clear entire canvas canvas.clearRect(0, 0, canvas_width, canvas_height); // Process all balls for(var i in balls){ if(balls[i].exploding) processExplodingBall(i); else{ processBall(balls[i], i); } } // Paint the current progress paintProgress(); if(clicked){ // Check if the chain reaction has stopped if(allDone()){ // Stop animation clearInterval(interval_id); // Check if goal was reached if(progress >= level.nr_goal_balls){ submitScore(); }else{ jAlert("Sorry, but you didn't reach the goal. Please, try again.", "FAIL", function(){ // Relaunch level startLevel(parseInt($('#levelval').html())); }); } } }else{ instant++; } } function submitScore(){ msgCanvas("Submitting your score to the server... please, wait."); var curr_level = parseInt($('#levelval').html()); var user = $('#user').val(); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "api/game.php", data: "token=" + token + "&user=" + user + "&level=" + curr_level + "&x=" + clickedx + "&y=" + clickedy + "&instant=" + instant + "&score=" + progress, success: function(msg){ canvas.clearRect(0, 0, canvas_width, canvas_height); var data = jQuery.parseJSON(msg); if(data.error != null){ if(data.error == "1" || data.error == "2"){ // Wrong parameters for the AJAX request jAlert("Sorry, an error that shouldn't have occurred while submitting your score did just that: it occurred! Be patient, this is Beta software. Please, send a tweet to the game creator with the following error notice: 'Parameter error'", "ERROR", function(){ startLevel(parseInt($('#levelval').html())); }); }else if(data.error == "4"){ // Error submitting the score in the server jAlert("Sorry, it wasn't possible to submit your score at this time. The server may be down. Please, click OK to try again.", "ERROR", function(){ submitScore(); }); }else if(data.error == "5"){ jAlert("It seems that you're not allowed to play this level. Perhaps you're an honest player that was the victim of this game's Beta status. If that's the case, I deeply apologize. But since there are some hackers trying to use their Javascript-fu to climb up the Leaderboard, I have no choice but to enforce these rules. You'll be sent to the firs level.", "ERROR", function(){ window.location.reload(); }); }else{ jAlert("Sorry, an error that shouldn't have occurred while submitting your score did just that: it occurred! Be patient, this is Beta software. Please, send a tweet to the game creator with the following error notice: 'Simulation problem'. In the meantime, I'll reset the level for you.", "ERROR", function(){ startLevel(parseInt($('#levelval').html())); }); } }else{ jAlert("Congratulations! You've reached the goal and your score has been submitted to the server. Proceed to the next level.", "WIN", function(){ startLevel(parseInt($('#levelval').html()) + 1); console.log("Server response: " + data.result); leaderboard(); }); } }, error: function(req, msg){ jAlert("Sorry, it wasn't possible to submit your score at this time. The server may be down. Please, click OK to try again.", "ERROR", function(){ submitScore(); }); } }); } function allDone(){ // For each exploding ball, check if exploding has stopped for(var i in balls){ if(balls[i].exploding) if(!balls[i].done) return false; } return true; } function paintProgress(){ progress = getProgress(); $('#goalval').removeClass(); $('#goalval').addClass('val'); if(progress < level.nr_goal_balls) $('#goalval').addClass('notgoal'); else $('#goalval').addClass('goal'); $('#goalval').html(Math.round(progress / level.nr_balls * 100) + "% / " + Math.round(level.nr_goal_balls / level.nr_balls * 100) + "%"); } function getProgress(){ var c = 0; // Count the number of exploding balls for(var i in balls) if(balls[i].exploding) c++; return c; } function processExplodingBall(ball_id){ var ball = balls[ball_id]; // If the ball is invisible, the exploding process has ended if(ball.alpha <= 0){ ball.done = true; }else{ // Increase radius according to defined rates ball.radius = ball.radius + level.radius_explosion_rate; // Increase alpha according to defined rates ball.alpha = fpcorrect(ball.alpha - level.alpha_explosion_rate); if(ball.alpha <= 0){ ball.alpha = 0; ball.done = true; }else{ // Check for collisions processCollisions(ball); // Redraw the circle with new properties $("canvas").drawArc({ // Exploding balls are painted red fillStyle: "rgba(200, 100, 100, " + ball.alpha + ")", // Alternative: painted with their own color //fillStyle: "rgba(" + ball.color_r + ", " + ball.color_g + ", " + ball.color_b + ", " + ball.alpha + ")", x: ball.x, y: ball.y, radius: ball.radius }); } } } function processCollisions(ball){ // For each ball, check if it collided with 'ball' for(var i in balls){ if(!balls[i].exploding){ if(collided(ball.x, ball.y, ball.radius, balls[i].x, balls[i].y, balls[i].radius)){ // If collided, then initiate explosion balls[i].exploding = true; } } } } function collided(x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2){ // Check if ball 1 (with coordinates x1,y1 and radius r1) has collided with ball 2 (with coordinates x2,y2 and radius r2) var a = r1 + r2; var dx = Math.round(x1) - Math.round(x2); var dy = Math.round(y1) - Math.round(y2); //var dx = x1 - x2; //var dy = y1 - y2; return a * a > dx * dx + dy * dy; } function processBall(ball, i){ // Compute the circle's new horizontal position var x = ball.x + ball.dx; // If it has hit bounds, go in the opposite direction if (x < ball.radius || x > (canvas_width - ball.radius)) { x = ball.x - ball.dx; ball.dx = -ball.dx; } // Compute the circle's new horizontal position var y = ball.y + ball.dy; // If it has hit bounds, go in the opposite direction if (y < ball.radius || y > (canvas_height - ball.radius)) { y = ball.y - ball.dy; ball.dy = -ball.dy; } // Set ball's new position ball.x = fpcorrect(x); ball.y = fpcorrect(y); // Redraw the circle in its new position $("canvas").drawArc({ fillStyle: "rgba(" + ball.color_r + ", " + ball.color_g + ", " + ball.color_b + ", " + ball.alpha + ")", x: ball.x, y: ball.y, radius: ball.radius }); } function fpcorrect(n){ return parseFloat((n).toPrecision(12)); }