Custos da política criminal

na Europa  - o projecto europeu


Papel dos participantes portugueses

a) each national team must contribute for each working package (WP) with information concerning national information and, in the case of WP1, with conceptual discussion. YES or NO. If NO, please explain better.

a) yes, according to the 8.1 Efforts for the project


b) will be Portuguese team responsible for stimulating partner's participation on field work and to propose standard research methods concerning WP4, besides organizing Lisbon meeting? YES or NO. If NO, please explain better.

b) yes, in accordance with the project coordinator


c) would not be possible to organize email groups for each WP to exchange information, ideas and concerns about it? YES or NO. If Yes, please explain who will organise each one.

c) we would try to implement an on line work platform using moodle freeware software (very user friendly), but eventually, if this attempt fails, yes, we could organize email groups


d) should we try to attract colleagues of European countries to join our discussions? YES or NO. If Yes, please explain how will it be organised.

d) yes, but there is also the money issue. We do not have resources in the budget for travel and accommodation of other participants to the meetings. We could try to involve them in the online activities.


e) Committee of foreigner ministers of European Council (as well as European Court and CPT) did produce doctrine and recommendations about prisons standards. It lacks to join everything in a systematic and organized collection. This job has been planned to be done at WP2? YES or NO. If Yes, please explain who will organise it.

e) yes. WP2 will be lead by the Turkish partner, but the detailed organization of any wp will be object of the first project management meeting.

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