Work Product: Deployment Model
This work product shows the configuration of processing nodes at run-time, the communication links between them, and the component instances and objects that reside on them.
  • To capture the configuration of processing elements, and the connections between processing elements, in the system. 
RolesResponsible: Modified By:
Input ToMandatory:
  • None
Optional: External:
  • None
Output From
Main Description

The Deployment Model consists of one or more nodes (processing elements with at least one processor, memory, and possibly other devices), devices (stereotyped nodes with no processing capability at the modeled level of abstraction), and connectors, between nodes, and between nodes and devices. The Deployment Model also maps processes on to these processing elements, allowing the distribution of behavior across nodes to be represented.

The following roles use the Deployment Model:

  • The software architect, to capture and understand the physical execution environment of the system, and to understand distribution issues.
  • The designers (including software and database designers), to understand the distribution of processing and data in the system.
  • The system administrator, to understand the physical environment in which the system executes.
  • The deployment manager in planning the product's transition to the user community.
  • The project manager, in estimating costs, for the Business Case, and for acquisition, installation and maintenance planning.
Representation Options

UML Representation: Model.

A deployment model may have the following properties:

  • Introduction: A textual description that serves as a brief introduction to the model.  
  • Nodes: Processing elements in the system. Nodes may have the following properties:
    • Name
    • A description, providing information about the processor, storage capacity, memory capacity, or any other information about the capabilities of the device.
    • A list of the processes and threads that execute on the processor. This list may also enumerate the software components that execute within each process.
    • A list of the deployment units that will be installed on the node.
  • Devices: Physical devices, having no processing capability (at the modeled level of abstraction), that support the processor nodes. Devices may have the following properties:
    • Name
    • A description, providing information about the capabilities of the device. 
  • Connectors: Connections between nodes, and between nodes and devices. Connectors may have associated information regarding the capacity or bandwidth of the connector.  
  • Diagrams: The diagrams in the model, owned by the packages. 

The Deployment Model is typically depicted in a diagram such as the one shown below:

Customer Interface, ATM Network Interface, Device Controller

The Deployment Model is optional for single-processor systems, or simple systems with little or no distribution of processing.

It is mandatory for systems with complex network or processor configurations.