Work Product: Glossary
This artifact defines important terms used by the project.

There is one Glossary for the system that provides a consistent set of definitions to help avoid misunderstandings. Project members initially use this artifact to understand the terms that are specific to the project. This document is also important to people performing these roles:

  • Developers, who make use of the terms in the Glossary when designing and implementing classes, database tables, user-interfaces, and so forth
  • Analysts, who use the Glossary to capture project-specific terms so they can clearly define business rules, and to ensure that requirement specifications make correct and consistent use of those terms
  • Course developers and technical writers, who use the Glossary to construct training material and documentation using recognized terminology
RolesResponsible: Modified By:
Input ToMandatory:
  • None
Optional: External:
  • None
Representation Options

In some projects where business modeling and domain modeling are not performed, the Glossary is the primary artifact used to capture information about the project's business domain.

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