Capability Pattern: Test
This capability pattern covers the activities and workflow for the Testing discipline.
DescriptionWork Breakdown StructureTeam AllocationWork Product Usage

To explain the work involved in the Test discipline, the activities and work products are organized into a capability pattern for the discipline.

Each activity represents a high-level goal that needs to be achieved to perform effective testing of the product.

This capability pattern may require variations based on the specific needs of each iteration and project.

Multiple Occurrences
Usage Notes

Decide How to Perform the Workflow

The following decisions should be made regarding the Test discipline's workflow:

  • Decide how to perform the workflow by looking at the activities in this workflow. Study the diagram with its guard conditions and the guidelines below.
  • Decide what parts of the Test activities to perform. One key issue for the Test workflow is to decide what quality dimensions are interesting for the project in general, and most importantly, for each iteration (see Concept: Types of Test). Decide what appropriate combinations of types of tests you should focus on for the current iteration.
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