Task: Submit Change Request
This task describes how to create a Change Request.
Disciplines: Configuration & Change Management
  • This task logs a requested change. Change Requests may include requests for new features, enhancements, corrections, changed requirements, and so on. Any role may submit a change request as part of any task throughout the project lifecycle.
RolesPrimary Performer: Additional Performers:
  • None
Process Usage
Complete Change Request Form

The Change Request Form is a formally submitted work product that is used to track all requests throughout the project lifecycle This includes new features, enhancement requests, defects, changed requirements, etc. All change history will be maintained with the CR, including all state changes along with dates and reasons for the change. This information will be available for any repeat reviews and for final closing. An example Change Request Form is provided in Work Product: Change Requests.

Submit the Change Request

Once the CR is completed, it should be submitted through the proper channels to assure compliance with the established Change Request Management Process. Any stakeholder on the project can submit a Change Request (CR). The CR is logged into the CR Tracking System (e.g., ClearQuest) and is placed into the CCB Review Queue, by setting the CR state to Submitted.

Typical states that a Change Request may pass through are shown in Change Request Management.

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