

  • Goal of the Research:

The main idea behind this research is to study and build a narrative guiding model to be applied in young children make believe activities. Story telling and make-believe activities occupy an important and fundamental role in children’s development. When engaged in a make-believe activity, children take different roles, acquire control of the ow of action and start to sequence the events of a play. 


Furthermore, children implicitly acquire skills to organise the skills to project these experiences into the cognitive and social requirements of the real world. By taking advantage of the advances in technology, it is possible nowadays, to bring these make-believe activities into the computerised world. However, only bringing these activities into the world of technology is not enough. 


Children are the ones that must participate in the process of design and development of such new environ-ments. In this case, I envision the development of the narrative guiding model with the help of children and more important for the children to use and to take benefit. Since story telling and make believe activities assume different roles in the different child developmental stages, another important issue to be considered was to identify which group age could benefit more from such a guiding narrative model and how such model should be developed.

 Taking this evidence in consideration, I intend to study how I can enhance a story environment with features that would promote children’s engagement and, maybe implicitly, learning. Also, the aim is to investigate how children collaborate during their make believe activities and how I can model such collaboration in order to decide which is the best way to support such activity. 


To conclude, the main idea is to study how children engage and take benefits from make believe activities, and design and develop an architecture that is able to mediate such activity, according to the needs of the age group, and thus providing a richer experience.  

  • Aims of the Research

Given the definition and rationale outlined above, one of the main goals of this project is to build a narrative guiding model to be applied in story environments (collaborative or single-user). Within the scope of this report a story environment is a software application that aims at providing the children with means for building and creating new stories. It is also assumed that each child has a character to command or direct throughout the make-believe activity.

For the application of the model being developed in this thesis, it is only important that such environment complies or follows a set of well-defined directives (associated with the concepts of characters, characters’ roles, characters’ actions, story scenes, etc.). With the narrative guiding model I aim to gently support and guide the children’s experience in a story environment to fulfill their needs and expectations for such a particular story. In order to accomplish such goal, I will try to answer the following questions: 

• Is it possible to apply the research on narrative structure analysis for the design of such guiding model? 

 • Is it possible to mediate children’s re ection upon their performance in the make-believe activity through such guiding model? 

• Is it possible to mediate children’s collaboration through the guiding model? 

• Is it possible to provide the support that would help the children to improve their concept of narrative? 

These questions will serve as basis for the design and development of a computational architecture for guiding and supporting story telling activities.