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In 1988-1989 he created the digital pinscreen technique (écran d'épingles par ordinateur), his first research project in NPR (Non Photorealistic Rendering) techniques, further developed in 1990-1992 into an artist oriented full digital production system for image and animation creation: the SATIA system, Sistema de Animação em Tela Digital Interactiva. With this system he authored several projects including co-authoring with José Xavier the project "Palavras de Pessoa" (Pessoa's words) in 1993. This project was financed by the Portuguese Institute of Cinema (IPC - Instituto Português de Cinema). The digital pinscreen technique and the "Palavras de Pessoa" project where invited to participate at the centennial anniversary of the creation of animation at "Ciné-Magie, des premières images aux nouvelles images, 100 ans du Cinéma, Festival International d'animation de la ville d'Annecy", France, in 1995.

He is responsible for the courses on Multimedia, Digital Audio and Video for Multimedia & Computer Graphics, Human-Computer Interaction, Audio and Video for Multimedia, Computer Games, Multimedia Management and Computer Aided Design at ISCTE. He is also invited professor at the Theater and Cienam University (Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema) where he develops Multimedia Seminars.

He was Guest-Editor of the Special Issue on Digital Arts, Computers & Graphics - An international journal of systems & applications in computer graphics, Vol. 29, N. 6, December 2005.

Lately he has been busy directing and producing multimedia and digital video materials covering applications demos, tutorials, and content to support classes in CAD, computer games, computer graphics, multimedia, and audio and video for multimedia.

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