Last update: May 2016.
International Journal Publications
F. Silva, M. Duarte, L. Correia, S. M. Oliveira, A. L. Christensen (2016),
"Open Issues in Evolutionary Robotics in Evolutionary Computation",
24(2), 1-32.
M. Duarte, V. Costa; J. Gomes; T. Rodrigues; F. Silva; S. M. Oliveira, A. L. Christensen (2016)
"Evolution of Collective Behaviors for a Real Swarm of Aquatic Surface Robots in PLoS ONE",
11(3), e0151834.
- T. Rodrigues, M. Duarte, M. Figueir�, V. Costa, S. M. Oliveira and A. L. Christensen (2015),
"Overcoming Limited Onboard Sensing in Swarm Robotics through Local Communication",
Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence, 9420, 201 - 223.
- M. Duarte, S. M. Oliveira, and A. L. Christensen (2015),
"Evolution of Hybrid Robotic Controllers for Complex Tasks",
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 78(3-4):463-484, 2015.
- The DELPHI Collaboration. (2007), "Search for a fourth generation b -quark at
LEP-II at $\sqrt{s} = 196 - 209$ GeV". Eur. Phys. J. C 50, 507-518
- A. Barroso, B.I. Ermolaev (Lisbon U., CFTC), M. Greco (Rome III U. and INFN,
Rome), S.M. Oliveira (Lisbon U., CFTC), S.I. Troyan (St. Petersburg, INP) (2003),
"Electroweak $2\rightarrow 2$ Amplitudes for Electron Positron Annihilation at Tev
Energies", Phys.Rev. D69:034012, 17pp, 2004 e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0309230
- S.M. Oliveira (Lisbon U., CFTC), R. Santos (Lisbon U., CFTC \& Campus U.),
(2003), "New Bounds on the Mass of a B-Prime Quark", Acta Phys.Polon.B34:5523-5530,
2003 e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0311047
- S.M. Oliveira (Lisbon U., CFTC), R. Santos (Lisbon U., CFTC \& Campus U.),
(2003), "Bounds on the Mass of the B-Prime Quark, Revisited", Phys.Rev.D68:093012,
9pp , 2003. e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0307318
- B.I. Ermolaev (CFTC, U. Lisbon), S.M. Oliveira (CFTC, U. Lisbon) and
S.I. Troyan (St.Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics) (2002) , "Electroweak Bosons
Production $e+e-$ Annihilation at High Energies", Phys.Rev.D66:114018, 2002
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0207159.
- S.M. Oliveira, L. Brucher (Lisbon U.), R. Santos (Lisbon U. \& Campus U.),
A. Barroso (Lisbon U.) (2001), "Electroweak Corrections to the Top Quark Decay",
Phys.Rev.D64:017301, 7pp,2001 -Print Archive: hep-ph/0011324
Peer-reviewed International Conference Publications
- M. Duarte, J. Gomes, S. M. Oliveira, A. L. Christensen (2016),
"EvoRBC: Evolutionary Repertoire-based Control for Robots with Arbitrary Locomotion Complexity"
in Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO)
- V. Costa; M. Duarte, T. Rodrigues, S. M. Oliveira, A. L. Christensen (2016),
"Design and Development of an Inexpensive Aquatic Swarm Robotics System"
Proceedings of IEEE/MTS OCEANS
- M. Duarte, J. Gomes, V. Costa, T. Rodrigues, F. Silva, S. M. Oliveira, A. L. Christensen (2016),
"Application of Swarm Robotic Systems to Marine Environmental Monitoring"
Proceedings of IEEE/MTS OCEANS
- M. Duarte, V. Costa, J. Gomes; T. Rodrigues, F. Silva, S. M. Oliveira, A. L. Christensen (2016),
"Unleashing the Potential of Evolutionary Swarm Robotics in the Real World"
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO)
- M. Duarte, J. Gomes, V. Costa, S. M. Oliveira, A. L. Christensen (2016),
"Hybrid Control for a Real Swarm Robotic System in an Intruder Detection Task"
Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation (EvoStar)
- T. Rodrigues, M. Duarte, S. M. Oliveira, and A. L. Christensen (2015),
"Beyond Onboard Sensors in Robotic Swarms: Local Collective Sensing through Situated Communication". Proccedings of the 7th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART), volume 2, SciTePress, Lisboa, Portugal, pages 111-118
- A. L. Christensen, S. M. Oliveira, O. Postolache, M. J. de Oliveira, S. Sargento, P. Santana, L. Nunes, F. Velez, P. Sebastião, V. Costa, M. Duarte, J. Gomes, T. Rodrigues, and F. Silva (2015), "Design of Communication and Control for Swarms of Aquatic Surface Drones". Proccedings of the 7th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART), volume 2, SciTePress, Lisboa, Portugal, pages 548-555
- M. Duarte, S. M. Oliveira, and A. L. Christensen (2014), "Hybrid Control for Large Swarms of Aquatic Drones", Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (ALIFE), MIT Press, Boston, MA, pages 785-792
- M. Duarte, F. Silva, T. Rodrigues, S. M. Oliveira, and A. L. Christensen (2014), "JBotEvolver: A Versatile Simulation Platform for Evolutionary Robotics", Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (ALIFE), MIT Press, Boston, MA, pages 210-211
- M. Duarte, S. M. Oliveira, and A. L. Christensen (2014), "Evolution of Hierarchical Controllers for Multirobot Systems", Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (ALIFE), MIT Press, Boston, MA, pages 657-664
- F. Silva, M. Duarte, L. Correia, S. M. Oliveira, and A. L. Christensen (2014), "The Case for Engineering the Evolution of Robot Controllers", Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (ALIFE), MIT Press, Boston, MA, pages 703-710
- T. Rodrigues, M. Duarte, S. M. Oliveira, and A. L. Christensen (2014), "What You Choose to See is What You Get: An Experiment with Learnt Sensory Modulation in a Robotic Foraging Task", Proceedings of European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation (EvoApplications, EvoRobot track), LNCS 8602, Springer, Berlin, Germany, pages 765-776
- Filipa Os�rio; Paio, A.; Oliveira, S. (2014), "Interaction with a Kinetic Folded Surface"
in Proceedings of the Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe Conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, pages 605-612
- Filipa Os�rio; Paio, A.; Oliveira, S. (2014), "KOS- KINETIC ORIGAMI SURFACE"
in Rethinking Comprehensive Design: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA)-
Kyoto, Japan, pages 201-210.
- M. Duarte, S. M. Oliveira, A. L. Christensen (2012), "Hierarchical Evolution of Robotic Controllers for Complex Tasks", Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob), IEEE Press,
Piscataway, NJ, pages 1-6. Paper of Excellence Award
[ Download .pdf (400KB) ]
- F. Silva, P. Urbano, S. M. Oliveira and
A. L, Christensen (2012), "odNEAT: An Algorithm
for Distributed Online, Onboard Evolution of
Robot Behaviours", Proceedings of the Thirteenth
International Conference on the Synthesis and
Simulation of Living Systems (ALIFE), pages 251-258. Tied for Best
Paper Award in the Collective Dynamics Track.
[ Download .pdf (200KB) ]
- M. Duarte, S. M. Oliveira, and A. L. Christensen (2012),
"Automatic synthesis of controllers for real
robots based on preprogrammed behaviors",
Proceedings of the International Conference on
Adaptive Behavior (SAB), Springer, Berlin, Germany,
pages 249-257.
[ Download .pdf (150KB) ]
- S. M. Oliveira, L. Nunes, A. L. Christensen (2011), "An Experiment
in Mixing Evolving and Preprogrammed Robots". Proceedings of the
European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL), Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, Germany, 605-612.
[ Download .pdf (300KB) ]
- H . Silva, S. M. Oliveira, A. L. Christensen (2011), "Conillon: A Lightweight
Distributed Computing Platform for Desktop
Grids". Proceedings of the 6th Iberian
Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
(CISTI), pages 1-6.
- P. Dias, S. M. Oliveira, (2011) "Meet and greet programming using graphical
languages and tangible interfaces" . Proceedings of the 6th Iberian Conference
on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI
2011), Curran Associates Inc., Red Hook, NY, pages 15-18
- B.I. Ermolaev (Lisbon U., CFTC \& Ioffe Phys. Tech. Inst.), M. Greco (Rome U., III
\& INFN, Rome), S.M. Oliveira (Lisbon U., CFTC), S.I. Troyan (St. Petersburg, INP)(2003),
"Forward Backward Charge Asymmetry at very High-Energies" Proceedings of the 17th
Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallee d'Aoste: Results and Perspectives in Particle
Physics, La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy, 9-15 Mar 2003. e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0307238
- B.I. Ermolaev (Ioffe Phys. Tech. Inst. \& Lisbon U., CFTC), M. Greco (INFN,
Rome3), S.M. Oliveira (Lisbon U., CFTC), S.I. Troyan (St. Petersburg, INP) (2002), "Double
Logarithmic (Sudakov) Asymptotics at the Theory of Electroweak Interactions". Proceedings
oft the 12th International Seminar on High-Energy Physics (QUARKS 2002), Novgorod,
Russia, 1-7 Jun 2002. e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0211415
- BACELAR DO NASCIMENTO, Maria Fernanda, Jos� Bettencourt GON�ALVES,
Lu�sa S. PEREIRA, Ant�nia ESTRELA, Afonso PEREIRA, Rui SANTOS e Sancho M.
OLIVEIRA (2007). "As variedades africanas do portugu�s: um corpus compar�vel".
Proceedings of the X Simposio Internacional de Comunicaci�n Social, Ministerio de
Ciencia, Tecnolog�a y Medio Ambiente, v. I, Janeiro, Santiago de Cuba.
- BACELAR DO NASCIMENTO, Maria Fernanda, Jos� Bettencourt GON�ALVES,
Lu�sa S. PEREIRA, Ant�nia ESTRELA, Afonso PEREIRA, Rui SANTOS e Sancho M.
OLIVEIRA (2006), "The African Varieties of Portuguese: Compiling Comparable Corpora
and Analyzing Data-derived Lexicon". Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2006), G�nova, It�lia.
- Oliveira, S. M.; Heleno da Silva, S. I. N.; Oliveira, C. S. (1996), "Registos
Acelerom�tricos Realizados durante a Erup��o do Fogo em Abril de 1995". Book of
Abstracts of the International Congress on the Volcanic Eruption of 1995 in Fogo Island,
Cape Verde. IICT, Lisboa.
Peer-reviewed International Workshop Publications
- J. P. R. Alves, S. M. Oliveira, A. L. Christensen (2013), "NXTTour: an Open Source Robotic System
Operated over the Internet". Proceedings of the Workshop on Open
Source and Design of Communication (OSDOC), ACM, New York, NY, pages 13-18.
- M. Duarte, S. M. Oliveira, and A. L. Christensen
(2012), "Structured Composition of Evolved Robotic
Controllers", Proceedings of the 5th International
Workshop on Evolutionary and Reinforcement Learning for
Autonomous Robot Systems, N. Siebel, Berlin, Germany,
pages 19-25, ISSN 2190-5576 (print), ISSN 2190-5746
- H. Silva, A. L. Christensen, S. M. Oliveira (2011), "Performance study of Conillon - a platform for
distributed computing". Proceedings of the Workshop on Open
Source and Design of Communication (OSDOC), ACM, New York, NY, pages 13-18.
- H. Silva, A. L. Christensen, S. M. Oliveira (2010). "Building and designing a distributed computing
platform". Proceedings of the Workshop on Open Source and Design of Communication (OSDOC), ACM, New York, NY, pages 55-58.
- R. Santos, S. M. Oliveira, A. Barroso (2001) "Mass Terms in Two-Higgs Doublet
Models", Presented at the 29th SLAC Summer Institute, Stanford. http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/
Peer-reviewed National Conference Publications
- A. L. Christensen, S. M. Oliveira, O. Postolache, M. J. de Oliveira, S. Sargento, P. Santana, L. Nunes, F. Velez, P. Sebastião, V. Costa, M. Duarte, J. Gomes, T. Rodrigues, and F. Silva (2014), "Communication and Control for Swarms of Aquatic Surface Drones: the HANCAD and CORATAM projects". Proceedings of the 8º Congresso do Comité Português da URSI, ANACOM, Lisbon, Portugal.
- S. Nascimento, A. P�lvora, A. Paio, S. M. Oliveira, V. Rato (2014),
"Back and Forth Between Social and Technical: A Collective Experience in the
Transdisciplinary Making of Sustainable Artifacts".
Proceedings of STS Italia Conferences, A Matter of Design. Making Society through Science and Technology, \emph{in press}
- P. B. Costa, S. M. Oliveira, L. Nunes (2013). "Profiling web users preferences with text mining: Plan2See, Dynamic formulation of conceptual groups"
in 8th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), pages 1-4).
- C. Duque, M. Duarte, M. Ribeiro, S. M. Oliveira, A. L. Christensen, and N. Souto (2013), "Real-time Control of a Mobile Robot Using Electrooculography". Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Telecommunications (CONFTELE), IT, Coimbra, Portugal, pages 137-140.
- P. Szczawinski, M. Duarte, S. M. Oliveira, and A. L. Christensen (2013), "Toward Evolved Vision-based Control for a Quadrocopter". Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Telecommunications (CONFTELE), IT, Coimbra, Portugal, pages 153-156.
- M. Duarte, A. L. Christensen, S. M. Oliveira (2011),
"Towards Artificial Evolution of Complex Behavior Observed in
Insect Colonies". Proceedings of the Portuguese Conference
on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA), 2011, Lisbon. Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pages 153-167.
- S.M. Oliveira, L. Brucher (Lisbon U.), R. Santos (Lisbon U. \& Campus U.),
A. Barroso (Lisbon U.) (2000), "One loop electroweak corrections to the decay
t-> bW". Proceedings of 12� Confer�ncia Nacional de F�sica (Fisica 2000),
Figueira da Foz
- BACELAR DO NASCIMENTO, Maria Fernanda, Jos�� Bettencourt GON�ALVES,
Lu�sa S.
PEREIRA, Ant�nia ESTRELA, Afonso PEREIRA, Rui SANTOS e Sancho M. OLIVEIRA , (2007),
"Especificidades das Variedades Africanas do Portugu�s na forma��o dos professores".
Proceedings of the 7� Encontro Nacional da APP, Associa��o de Professores de Portugu�s,
Theses and Technical Reports
- S. M. Oliveira, (2008), "Electroweak Loop Corrections to High Energy Processes".
Ph.D. dissertation supervised by Prof. Augusto Barroso Universidade de Lisboa.
- S. M. Oliveira (2001), "Corre��es Electrofracas para o Decl�nio do Quark Top",
Master dissertation, supervised by Prof. Augusto Barroso, Faculdade de Ci�ncias da
Universidade de Lisboa.
- S. M. Oliveira, J. C. Garcia(1996), "Suporte para Aplica��es Cooperativas no DiSOM -
Distributed Shared Object Memoria", Final project , supervised by Prof. Paulo Guedes (18