I am a founding member of Alumni Clube ISCTE - ISCTE Alumni Association.
I am an integrated researcher of ISTAR_ISCTE - Information Sciences, Technologies and Architecture Research Center.
ISCTE-IUL unit that has the mission to carry out applied and multidisciplinary research in the convergence of areas like Computer Science and Information Technologies, Mathematics (applied to computational problems),
Architecture and Urbanism (in its digital dimensions, either conceptual, modelling, simulation or fabrication).
I am also foreign collaborator in the research group of Knowledge Management, Innovation and Competitiveness - KM-INOVA, group belonging to the University FUMEC, from Minas Gerais, Brazil.
I am a member of APSI - Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação (Portuguese Chapter da Association for Information Systems).
Presently I'm interested in Direct Selling, Network Marketing, E-commerce, Web Marketing, Social Media, Databases, Information Management Systems and Technology Acceptance and Evaluation.
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