Representation Options | UML Representation: Actor
The actor may have the following properties:
Name: The name of the actor.
Brief Description: A brief description of the actor's sphere of responsibility and what the actor
needs the system for.
Characteristics: For human actors: The physical environment of the actor, the number of users the
actor represents, the actor's level of domain knowledge, the actor's level of computer experience, other
applications the actor is using, and other general characteristics such as gender, age, cultural background, and so
Relationships: The relationships, such as actor-generalizations, and communicates-associations in
which the actor participates.
Diagrams: Any diagrams local to the actor, such as use-case diagrams depicting the actor's
communicates-associations with use cases.
Decide which properties to use and how to use them. In particular, you need to decide at which level of detail the
"Characteristics" property needs to be described.