Property Name
Brief Description
UML Representation
A textual description that serves as a brief introduction to the model.
Tagged value, of type "short text".
The packages used for organizational grouping purposes.
Owned via the association "represents", or recursively via the aggregation "owns".
The tables in the data model, owned by the packages.
Classes, stereotyped as «Table».
Simple association between tables in the model.
Association, stereotyped as «Non-Identifying»
Strong Relationship
Composite Aggregation relationship between tables in the model.
Association, stereotyped as «Identifying»
Dependency (View to Table)
Dependency between Tables, Views and other model elements
Dependency, stereotyped as «Derive» for dependency relationships between Table and View
The data values of the tables.
Attribute, stereotyped as «Column».
A user-defined data type.
Class, stereotyped as «Domain».
A virtual table, composed of columns from one or more tables.
Class, stereotyped as «View».
The diagrams in the model, owned by the packages.
Class Diagrams that depict Tables and their relationships and Component Diagrams that depict the
realization of the Tables in the model to Tablespaces components and Database components.
Data access structures used to speed access along specified paths.
Operation, stereotyped as «Index».
Event-activated behavior associated with tables.
Operation, stereotyped as «Trigger».
Check constraint
A validation rule on a column or table. It can consist of a range of valid values or calculations.
Operation, stereotyped as «Check».
Unique constraint
Designates that the data in a column or set of columns must be unique.
Operation, stereotyped as «Unique».
Stored Procedure Package
A Class that is used as a "container" for Stored Procedure operations
Class, stereotyped as «SP_Container»
Stored Procedure
Explicitly invoked behavior, associated with tables or with the model as a whole.
Operation, stereotyped as «SP».
Container for elements of the data model that represents the overall structure of the database. Used
for managing security and ownership of tables.
Package stereotyped as «Schema».
Model element that represents the physical database
Component, stereotyped as «Database»
Units of physical storage in a database
Component, stereotyped as «Tablespace»