Work Product: Interface
This work product specifies a set of behaviors (a set of operations) offered by a classifier model element (specifically, a class, subsystem or component).

An interface declares a set of operations, including their signatures and parameters, that are use to specify the services offered by a classifier model element (e.g. a class, component or subsystem).

Input ToMandatory: Optional:
  • None
  • None
Main Description
An Interface is model element which defines a set of behaviors (a set of operations) offered by a classifier model element (specifically, a class, subsystem or component). A classifier may realize one or more interfaces. An interface may be realized by one or more classifiers. Any classifiers which realize the same interfaces may be substituted for one another in the system. Each interface should provide an unique and well-defined set of operations.
Representation OptionsUML Representation: Interface 

Interfaces are typically used in conjunction with Artifact: Design Subsystem; it is usually not necessary or desirable to use interfaces in conjunction with Work Product: Design Classes, where using public operations is usually sufficient. Interfaces are typically used in cases where there is a need to define the behavior (in the form of operation signatures) independently from the elements that realize those operations. This implies the existence of larger-grained abstractions of behavior or replaceability, modeled as design subsystems. For projects that do not have these attributes, interfaces can be omitted.

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