Escola Para Além das Ciências Sociais "É precisamente porque essa nova impotência é tão profundamente vivida, só dificilmente se exprime" Ivan Illich
Encontros Académicos Com Khun e Mitralias, Agosto 2018 The citizen state – the polis of the citizen society Day 1 1. the false economization of the critique of capitalism, moral criticism of capitalism 2. miseries of nation state theories, moralisms and idealisms Day 2 1. the conceptual nature of the nation state society, concessionary materialism serving abstract materialism, overall objective of state rationale, 2. the democratic state and the citizen, democratic power, democracy, false power theories, elections, Day 3 1. practiced idealism, law and state, democratic power, democracy, false power theories, elections, false election theories 2. main state policy fields and their objectives Day 4 1. political economics 2. the world of nation states, imperialism, war Docs: Citizen state - it is the state who runs our capitalist economy, by M. Kuhn Some points to discuss, and some more questions, by Vitor Lima Comments on Kuhn´s topics by AP Dores Abalo em toda a Igreja, in Público, 5 de Agosto de 2018 |