Sociologia da Violência

Ramo do Mestrado de Sociologia ISCTE-IUL 


Evaluation - 2021 PORTUGUESE VERSION


 1. Select violent situation (ex: sexual abuse, popular revolution, umployment, alcohol and drugs abuse, civil war in Siria and imperial strategies, migration, imprisonment, sport),

(delivery  February, 11th)

2. Find one or two people who can testefy how people live during violent events happening directly or indirectly over them, in such a way that it can change their lifes.

 (delivery February, 25 th)

3. Write and deliver a methodological plan to record and produce longitudinal information on the chosen violent situation (before, during and after the violent event). The goal is to look for continuities, descontinuities, ruptures, sequences of states of mind (dispositions, moral strenght) regarding personal, profisseional, social interactions: good will and retaliation feelings and pratices.  

(delivery Apr, 1rst)

4. Work out the methodological plan

5. Write final report

(delivery May, 20th)

Evaluation - 2017

Evaluation tasks:

a) dirty word story writing. Etimological description of the dirty word. Till February 19th.

b) to describe violence and contra violence fluxes in the story, using definition of violence. Till March 26th.

c) Presenting the protagonists as part of misogynous, elitist and dissimulated way of  organizating society: 1) the abuser; 2) the victim; 3) the bystanders; 4) the ground built by architectural, technological and emotional ambience; 5) the attuning flux between abuser(s) and victim(s); 6) the tunnel of entrainment that guide violence; 7) the opportunities for prevention of violence till April 23th.

d) A final (group) report with a) theoretical chapter (for instance, a presentation of the concepts of Wieviorka or Collins on violence); b) descriptive chapter (like a) and d) exercises); c) critical chapter, discussing the power and limits of social theory to address described violence and to support prevention of violence (The final report text should have between 25000 and 50000 characters, delivered till June, 9th)


Evaluation - 2015

Charlie Hebdo case and discrimination


Content analysis of the different comments and understanding on the Charlie Hebdo murders, Paris 7 January 2015 – along with the national media, newspaper or TV: what implicit or explicit ideas/conceptions of violence and society shows up? 


Evaluation tasks:

a)     Telling of personal experience of the student during the case – 3 pages till the 23th February

b)    Presenting of the corpus till 16th March

c)     Found definitions of violence in the corpus till 23th March

d)    Presenting the protagonists: a) the abuser; b) the victim; c) the bystanders; d) the ground built by architectural, technological and emotional ambience; e) the attuning flux between abuser(s) and victim(s); f) the tunnel of entrainment that guide violence; g) the opportunities for prevention of violence till 20 April

e)       A final (group) report with a) theoretical chapter (for instance, a presentation of the concepts of Wieviorka or Collins on violence); b) descriptive chapter (like a) and d) exercises); c) critical chapter, discussing the power and limits of social theory to address described violence and to support prevention of violence (The final report text should have between 25000 and 50000 characters, delivered till June, 8th)

Evaluation - 2014

1. Each student must choose a violent episode to describe. The episode can be of real life or from literature.
2. The chosen episode should be written - till 24th February - and prepared to be present latter in the class in a 10 minutes talk, for discussion.
The paper should present characterization of a) the abuser; b) the victim; c) the bystanders; d) the ground built by architectural, technological and emotional ambience; e) the attuning flux between abuser(s) and victim(s); f) the tunnel of entrainment that guide violence; g) the opportunities for prevention of violence
3. A contribution to the list of social secrets
4. A final (group) report with a) theoretical chapter; b) descriptive chapter (like 2. exercise); c) critical chapter, discussing the power and limits of social theory to address described violence and to support prevention of violence (The final report text should have between 25000 and 50000 characters, delivered till June, 9th)

Sugestões de leituras deixadas pelos estudantes anteriores