Sociologia da Violência

Ramo do Mestrado de Sociologia ISCTE-IUL 


English languages resources

Examples of titles of violence case to study:
gender violence: the case of a couple and their child
identifying symbolic violence at school: the textbooks and the Empire
the memories of Tara Westover: incorporated violence reported by victims
living in the Corona lockdown: a never-ending tale for a restaurant owner
the evolution of legal framework on sexual abuse in Portugal – law and jurisprudence
tourism and violence: the case of gentrification at Lisbon´s Rua da Atalaia
Gabriel Fernandez´s case: is it rare men victimization within family?
becoming a minority: the school life of Finnish children in Sweden
doing violence in the name of the state: what is violence moral for a security officer in prison?


      Short Research Papers: How to Write Academic Essays


Violence in society (A.P.Dores, 2014)

Violence as anomie, (A.P.Dores, 2017)

Different method approaches, (A.P.Dores, 2017)

Collaborative science and the conception of violence (A.P.Dores, 2018)

Violence and other forms of reduction to the body (A.P.Dores, 2018)


             Michel Wieviorka English (and French) texts and videos:

"Violence and the Subject"

"An End to Violence"

"Subjectivation et Violence"

"Le nouveau Paradigme de la Violence"


Randall Collins Micro and Macro Sociological Causes of Violent Atrocities

Over 40 million people catives on modern slavery

Angela Davis on Abolition, Calls to Defund Police, Toppled Racist Statues & Voting in 2020 Election

Black Liver Matter and violence 2020, Gary Young

COVID 19, Decarceration, and Abolitionism, Ruth Gilmore against organized abandonement and organized violence (April 2020)

Police bastard´s secret organization (2020)

!Do better!" state of emergency for black people in the States (May 2020)

Building counter-institutions by Joël Foramitti (2020)

The day the torture is over (1974)

Apocalisis 5G - extinction event film (1:18)

Planet of humans By Jeff Gibbs (1:40)

Majority of millennials see catastrophic war as real possibility, and believe there should be limits (2020) 

Brexit and the end of democratic vote TED talk of Carole Cadwallard

The essence of Evil, John W. Whitehead, 2019

France/Afrique: colonial pay, Mediapart 2019.

Climate catastrophe and Extinction Rebelion, Peter Street, Counterpunch, 2019

Connections between Brazil President Bolsonaro and organized crime  (The Intercept Brasil) (2019)

Data Spies: Sylicon Valley by Roger MacNamee

Bad Guy in the House (Duncan Karini)

Africa exploitation (Duncan Karani)

Venezuela Propaganda Debunked - People Are Against Coup (2019)

L' Ultime Zapping #2, Arte (français)

Are Prisons obsolete, 2003, Angela Davis; La Prison est´elle obsòlete? (traduction en français Print et Lecture)

Injustice: a film about prison, crime and justice, 2018

CIA´s torture in Kabul, The Guardian, out 2017

Immigrants Detention in Europe por Global Detention Project

"A Brown Girl's Guide to Gender" - Aranya Johar 2017

The forgiveness project, restaurative justice, USA

Why I stopped watching porn, TED talks, 2013

Our story of rape and reconciliation, TED talks, 2016

Hans Rosling's 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes - The Joy of Stats - BBC Four

Human the film (2nd part) by Yann Arthus-Bertrand (look 19:00 and 1:20:00)

Prison in North America (1:40:00)


Analysis: From Glasgow to Berlin - how strikes, mutinies and revolutions ended WW1, by David Jamieson (2018)

Dakota pipeline (2016)

Hunger and the social catastrophe facing America’s youth by Kate Randall

Debtors' Prison for Kids: Poor Children Incarcerated When Families Can't Pay Juvenile Court Fees by Nika Knight

My four months as a private prison guard by Shane Bauer

Before Child Labor Laws - When Every Boy And Girl Had A Job by Kathy Pinna

Man Gets Prison Sentence For Collecting Rainwater On His Property, by Royce Christyn

Alberto Acosta Good Life - Sumak Kawsay

Tshering Tobgay Bhutan Carbon negative

GENERATION FIVE - Transformative Justice

BIEN - Basic Income

Louk Hulseman - Abolicionist democracy


The shameful history haunting Peru´s election, The Guardian, April 2016

Histories of violence

Monica Lewinsky: The culture of humiliation TED (22´)

Why We Snap: From Road Rage to Barroom Brawls by Carl Engelking, Jan 2016

Death of Florida inmate left in scalding hot shower ruled 'accidental', Dayly Kos, Jan 2016

Quand l’Allemagne qui refuse de dédommager les Grecs victimes de la Wermacht, verse des pensions aux  fascistes Espagnols de cette même Wermacht !!! par Yorgios Metralis, Dec 2015

Prostitution and human traffic

Le grand réarmement planétaire 2015 par Jules Dufour

Cultural genocide in Canada and Australia

Democratising the Eurozone Yanis Varoufakis, oct 2015

Slaves that the time forgot

Schooling the world Films for Action

"24M: It was not a victory for Podemos, but for the 15M movement" by Simona Levi Jun 2015

Refugees Syrian and Europe, August 2015

ISIS, the new Israel, by Chris Hedges and Sabah Alnasseri (25´) Septembre 2015

Is Obama fighting ISIS, Assad or Russia? by Sabah Alnasseri (25´) Septembre 2015

Modern slavery, by Lisa Kristine

A German Guy Wants to Give You a Bunch of Money for Nothing by Chris Köver

Marketing food, by Will

Sebastião Salgado: The Silent Drama of Photography

"Climate change signals the end of social sciences" by Clive Hamilton

"(..) the rights of women always come last" by Nick Coen

In the lonely cockpit of our lives by Frank Berardi

The worse case of suspention of civil rigths in Western Europe, for last decades, Genova 2001

The truth nobody wants to hear about a Grexit, by Thanos Kalamidas 2015

Rape, Survivors, Policies and Support Systems, an European Challenges, E-book FCG, 2015

Assange: The untold story of an epic struggle for justice

Noam Chomsky: Media, NATO, ISIS, Free Trade Agreements & Humanity (2015) (22´) (first 5´building the enemy)

"Who does control the world?" - Noam Chomsky - BBC interview 2003 (18´) (one first way out of present problems at 11´)

Melissa Saviste - On Rewards and Motivation (20:30´)


       Europe's Homegrown Terrorists, by Gary Younge


          Statístics on terrorism


       Three young Muslims have been executed in US


       Society definition metaphor (social dimentions and social level definition)


RCMP union: Solidarity forever? por John Baglow

        Blood On Their Hands: The Racist History of Modern Police Unions por Flynt Taylor

Origins of police, por David Whitehouse

Apple's Broken Promises - BBC (59´)

Utopia - arborigena Australia by John Pilger (110')



      Obama Buggers Europe: Sanctions Deepen the Recession, James Patras


       Au nom de Monsanto : Des cultures OGM pour l’Ukraine, grenier de l’Europe, Joyce Nelson


      Sobre o Rendimento Básico Incondicional, apresentações de Federico Pistono: Free Cash (28´´) e Robots will steal your job, but that is OK (17´´)


The new system, by Saskia Sassen


Slavery Footprint


Mexico Teeters on the Brink and the U.S. Is Oblivious - See more at:


Mexico Teeters on the Brink and the U.S. Is Oblivious - See more at:
Mexico Teeters on the Brink and the U.S. Is Oblivious - See more at:

Mexico Teeters on the Brink and the US Is Oblivious, by Rubem Martinez, Nov 2014

English languages theoretical resources


an   Philipp Reemtsa youtube conference and book on (2012) Trust and Violence


      Eric Dunnin (1999) Sport matters : sociological studies of sport, violence and civilization / S.136 DUN*Spo


      Amartya Sen (2006) Identity and violence : the ilusion of destiny /    S.131 SEN*Ide

Tim Jacoby (2007) Understanding conflict and violence : theoretical and interdisciplinary approaches / S.111 JAC*Und

Duncan Chappell, Vittorio Di Martino (2000) Violence at work /  S.186 CHA*Vio

Vincenzo Ruggiero (2006) Understanding political violence : a criminological analysis / S.207 RUG*Und

Others books on the library


Buen Vivir: Today's tomorrow, by Eduardo Gudynas


       TED: Different way to think finance


       11 de Setembro

Slavery-free world

Torture testemonies (in Spanish 1982-2010)